Cypress Student Competitions Building

Home to the Student Competition Teams

The Cypress Building provides ~7500 square feet of space for students and includes access to:

  • Secure, dedicate storage and workspace for active team projects
  • Shared machine shop equipment and fabrication tools
  • Conference room with display and teleconferencing capabilities for team meatings
  • Connectivity to other teams in the Cypress Student Competition community
  • Skills training, fabrication/prototyping support, and access to advanded machinery provided by Terrapin Works
EWB Logo
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Leatherbacks logo
Mechanical Engineering
wind terpines
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Terp Rockets Team
Aerospace Engineering
Concrete Conoe team
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Steel Bridge Team
Civil and Environmental Engineering
EV Race Car
Electrical and Computer Engineering