Keystone Woodshop

Spring 2025 Hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11am-7pm 11am-7pm 11am-7pm 11am-7pm 9am-7pm

Woodshop Phone Number: 301-405-4349

The woodshop, conveniently located on the first floor of JM Patterson, is an open-access training shop at Terrapin Works. It features state-of-the-art equipment from Powermatic, Festool, and SawStop. The Keystone Woodshop is largely focused on providing a space with high-quality woodworking equipment for training and use by University Students, Faculty, and Staff.

No prior experience is necessary to start training and working in the woodshop.

Note: The woodshop is open to the University Students, Faculty, and Staff  but not for external users.

For external users, we can work on certain commissions. If you would like a consultation on whether your project can be done by our staff, please send an email to and provide a summary of your project

Lab Policy

What To-Do

Not To-Do

Complete Trainings

  • Attend safety training sessions before using any equipment-Reserve Trainings here
  • Talk to staff to get trained on specific tools/machines for ENES102/220

Unauthorized Access

  • Operating tools or equipment without completing training or certification
  • Using tools in non-intended ways (cutting metal/acrylic) or tampering with tool settings.


  • Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Follow all safety procedures in training. If unsure, talk to staff!

Unsafe Behavior

  • Failing PPE requirements (loose clothing, dangling jewelry, etc.)
  • Difficult cuts (talk to staff to find a better way)

Project Work/ Materials

  • Wood materials
  • Work on personal or school-related projects that comply with makerspace policies.
  • Ask Staff for assistance or guidance on tools/design

Inappropriate Work/Improper Materials

  • Using unapproved materials (metal, plastic, etc.) If unsure talk to staff
  • Proceeding with a task that feels unsafe, without consulting staff for guidance


  • Clean workspace and put away tools after use
  • Clearly label piece with name/email/date

Failing Clean-Up

  • Leaving tools out and workplaces unclean
  • Storing projects with no name/date/email (will get tossed)


Guidelines on Accessing Equipment

Equipment in Keystone Woodshop (JMP 1210)

Who has access? How To access?

General Equipment

Turning Equipment

CNC Router Equipment

  • Available to UMD students/Faculty/Staff after in person CNC training



Available Equipment

Technology Type: Power Tools
Equipment Photo Equipment Name Service(s) Materials
SawStop Table Saw SawStop JobSite Table Saw Pro Woodworking, Training Wood
Powermatic Jointer Woodworking, Training Wood
Powermatic Planer Woodworking, Training Wood
Woodworking Tools Woodworking
Dewalt Scroll Saw Woodworking, Training Wood
JET Oscillating Spindle Sander Woodworking, Training Wood
Powermatic 6”/12” Belt/Disc Sander Woodworking, Training Wood
Festool Kapex Miter Saw Woodworking, Training Wood
NOVA DVR Drill Press Woodworking, Training Glass, Wood, Metal, Plastic
JET 18" Vertical Bandsaw Woodworking, Training Wood
SawStop Professional Table Saw Woodworking, Training Wood
Laguna REVO 12|16 Lathe Woodworking, Training Wood
Technology Type: Computer Numerical Control
Equipment Photo Equipment Name Service(s) Materials
ShopBot DTMAX ATC Woodworking, Training Wood