Highly versible multi-material printer that provides the accuracy and versatility needed for engineering. The Bioplotter will print materials which flow below 250C. Temperature controlled base and print heads allows for direct printing of cellular suspensions, ceramic pastes, and thermoplatics. The equipment is set up inside a laminar flow hood to maintain a sterile environment
Wide versitiliy in material choice:
• Post-process sintering: Hydroxyapatite, TCP, Titanium
• Precipitation: Chitosan, Collagen
• 2-component systems: Alginate, Fibrin, PU, Silicone
• Phase transition liquid - solid: Agar, Gelatine, PCL, PLGA, PLLA
• Material Temperature Range of -10 to 250C
• Cell Suspensions
Layer Thickness:
• 0.100 - 0.400 mm
(Layer thickness material and nozzle dependent)
Achievable accuracy: 0.001mm (0.00004 in) Accuracy varies according to geometry, part orientation and print size
Bioplotter RP®, SolidWorks, Virtual Machines